Decisions, decisions… it’s all about ‘quality of life’ now and for the future at Swalcliffe Park School, where preparation for the best transitions to adult life begins as soon as students join.
Sometimes life can follow a straight path, but more often than not there are many twists and turns in the road. So, with this in mind, it’s important that we do everything we can in school to prepare our students for adulthood and their future.

Racing fit: Swalcliffe Park students taking part in the Green Power project to build electric racing cars
Planning starts in Year 6
Sometimes life can follow a straight path, but more often than not there are many twists and turns in the road. So, with this in mind, it’s important that we do everything we can in school to prepare our students for adulthood and their future.
At Swalcliffe Park, this starts as soon as a young person joins the school because we know that the best decisions are made after everyone has acquired all the knowledge, skills and experiences they need in order to make them.
Our ‘Transitions Out’ planning starts in Year 6 and continues all the way through school until the point at which a student leaves, and our ‘Quality of Life’ framework and approach is a critical ingredient within this.
Joined-up approach
We want all our students to have high aspirations for themselves and a knowledge of what they like doing, are good at and where they might need some additional support.
We also want to ensure they have a broad range of experiences to help them decide what they might like to do in the future and, just as importantly, what they don’t want to do.
All of this is done in collaboration with families so there is a joined-up approach, with shared expectations around courses and exams, personal strengths and opportunities. All of this helps to inform careful planning for the future.
Our dedicated ‘Transitions Out’ team have a wealth of knowledge and contacts to ensure our curriculum is rich in opportunity and experiences. They use their weekly careers newsletter to keep everyone up to date with what is happening in and out of school.
Please get in touch
For a copy of the Swalcliffe Park newsletter and information about our preparation for adulthood and careers programme, please visit our website, We were delighted to have been recently awarded the Careers kitemark for excellence in this aspect of our work.