In June 2011 Living Autism launched at the very first Autism Show at Exel in London. Our aim was to support autistic children & adults to find the most suitable services for their individual needs in England.
In the ten years we have been operating we have streamlined our services to focus on three main services:
1. Autism placement support – schools, colleges and adult provisions
2. Autism learning – training, coaching and mentoring
3. Autism information – articles and advice
We are delighted that in the 10 years we have been operating our website has been accessed over 1 million times, offering visitors a wealth of information and direct routes to contact the team for support. Thank you to all our visitors and everyone who has accessed our services!
We would not have been able to run our placement service without our network of validated providers who offer high-quality specialist autism services. Thank you very much!
Our work would not have been possible without our website, which was developed and is maintained by our technical partners, Stuntcoders. They have held our hand technically during our inception and throughout our expansion. To them we are extremely grateful!
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we upgraded our look and our brand. We now have a much fresher and more modern look following input from various partners and, crucially, having taken views from our autistic friends. Our new branding has been developed by the very creative United By Design, who listened carefully to us and produced a brand which we feel reflects our identity.
A huge thank you to UBD!
Finally, we thank our Living Autism family – working with us and alongside us over the past 10 years – without whom Living Autism would not exist – THANK YOU!
Manar Matusiak
Managing Director, Living Autism