Children come into care for different reasons, sometimes as the result of court action, sometimes at the request of a parent. Hackney Children and Families Services work hard to keep families together, unfortunately there are times when it is necessary for a child to be removed from their birth home.

Proud achievement: Hajra, who has fostered close to 200 children
A welcoming home environment
These experiences can be difficult for children and so Hackney needs prospective foster carers that will be able to provide a welcoming, nurturing and stable home environment for however long a child needs it.
Hackney wants all our children and young people to thrive and recognise the role of foster carers as essential in achieving these outcomes.
Hajra, a Hackney Foster Carer, shared that she initially decided to become a foster carer believing her own experiences as a teen would help her to empathise and understand children coming into care. She has since gone on to foster close to 200 children.
Hackney is a diverse borough, caring for children of varying backgrounds and abilities.
We all have different life experiences and skills, and these could mean a world of difference to children and young people in care.
Innovative support and training
Stories like Hajra’s make us proud, we want this to be the norm and not an exception within Hackney. Therefore we provide a package of innovative support and training to Hackney foster carers, so that through their personal and professional development, they are able to deliver the best possible care for children and young people staying with them.
Choosing to foster is a big decision, so in addition to free monthly information sessions, Hackney also has approved foster carers who are happy to speak to you during your decision-making process. The assessment process will give you the information you need, ensuring that it is the right time for you whilst helping us to learn about you and the skills you have to support our children.
Find out more about fostering with Hackney Children and Families Services
If you would like to find out more about fostering with Hackney, email, call 020 8356 5985 or why not register to join our online information session at
Click here to visit Hackney’s fostering page